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Writer's picturemwilliams706

“Cross The Street”

One day we are going to have to face our worse fears. Might as well start today by facing the

small fears that look big!! Because they prepare you to be ready and able to get through the major ones.

Being honest with ourselves…and not running to try to escape or numb the pain…which you

can’t do because it’s attached to you and will follow you wherever you go and be there waving at you when you sober up …is the way you start the healing process to get through it!!

Once you realize that walking through the storm is the only way to gain access to proper

shelter and safety …you step off the curb and start running for safety and dryness. Or you can keep standing there waiting for the storm to pass and see that it’s only raining on that side of the street, you're running sideways trying to escape it but it’s still storming and you’re wondering why it’s not letting up… because that side is the holder of your current state….the other side is clear and sunny and filled with hope and the ability to move on!! For it’s the side that possesses your future!!

For the rain of the storm starts to clean off the dirt of the past, you can cry and no one sees, and once you reach the other side you can breathe in a new breath of life.


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